Dave’s Ministry Trip to Australia

At the end of February and the first part of March, I had the privilege of going to Gold Coast, Australia to speak at a YWAM base and speak at a church! Some friends of mine, Nate and Alex Mavis, were in a YWAM Denver class that I taught several years ago, and became the leaders of the School of Worship at the Gold Coast Base. They are hilarious and delightful to be with! Here’s a picture of Nate and Alex (top left and bottom middle), along with their old friend and my new friend, Josiah! (He’s the hairy one)… Ha! IMG_2021
I spoke/led musical worship for 13 times in 8 days, prayed over a BUNCH of people, and saw one of the new YWAM students give her life to following Jesus in a pretty dramatic way!!! 🙂
The weather was OUTRAGEOUSLY GOOD, and I even got to go fishing one night with the Base Director! We caught a 2′ wide sting ray (which tried desperately to sink it’s poisonous tail barb into us as we reeled it in! We took a picture and then released him.
They’ve invited us to go down there again next year, and we are really looking forward to building the amazing relationships that God gave me on this trip!! 🙂
(If you’ve ever wondered what a mango tree looks like, here you go!)